Technique for long fast serve


Tom Pollard
Tom Pollard Asked 16 years ago

I'd like to be able to add the long fast serve to my repertoire, but I've been having trouble getting it under control. Often it works for me (it's fast, low, with good topspin), but sometimes I lose it and my serves all just sail off the table or into the net.  My problem is that, when it's not working, I don't know what to adjust to bring it back under control.  Is there any chance you could produce a video explaining (and demonstrating) the proper technique for the long fast serve?  Thanks!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi tom,

I will put it on our list of Lessons to do.

Often clear observation will help you to make adjustments naturally.  Watch what the ball is doing and your body will change the stroke. This neds to be done in practice conditions first though.

Take a look at the previous question titled Long and Fast Serve.  It may help you out.


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Thoughts on this question

Tom Pollard

Tom Pollard Posted 16 years ago

Thanks for responding.  I did read your response to that previous question, but wasn't sure what to make of it.  You didn't offer any advice on controlling the serve, just a suggestion to focus on hitting the ball hard first, and worry about control later.  When mine works for me, I feel like I'm getting good velocity (and keeping it low over the net) without really trying to hit it all that hard.  When I try to hit it harder, I tend to get a higher bounce, which is counterproductive.  I've tried adjusting by making an effort to hit with a bit of an upstroke, to add topspin, but the results haven't been great.  

So far, what seems to work best is to hit the ball with a fast (but relaxed) horizontal stroke, the bat basically vertical but tilted slightly forward, and contacting the ball when it's dropped to just about net height.  Despite not making an effort to add topspin, the ball drops quickly enough on the other side of the net that I can get it to go off the side of the table.  As I said, though, I'm not sure whether I'm correctly analyzing why it works and doesn't work.  Thanks for considering doing a lesson on this.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 16 years ago
Hi Tom, By what you have described seems you are getting some good fast topspin on your serve because of the angle of the bat. This will help to bring the fast serve down after going over the net. If it is more speed you are after, then hit it a little flatter. For more safety, put more topspin on the contact. The topspin contact actually slows the ball down a little but adds safety.

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 16 years ago

I have a similar problem with Tom in that when the fast serve is working, it works beautifully.  However, when it is NOT working, it REALLY is terrible - either going long or bouncing too slow and high.  And when it is not working, I don't know enough of the mechanics to self-correct.  It is largely a confidence thing for me.  If I am confident and can visualise the fast serve, I have a good chance of getting it in.  That's why I almost never try fast serves in competition (even though I have good success in casual play) because I know I am more nervous and my success rate when I try is about zero percent.

Mike Ivanov

Mike Ivanov Posted 16 years ago

If you have trouble with long fast serves, you should try backhand sidespin and put more strength in to it. I do it with amazing results because it's hard to miss, and if you put it in the opposite corner, then it's hard to push back.

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