

sina abolhoseini
sina abolhoseini Asked 15 years ago

Hi... I'm a young player and I have learned many skills and techniques, but unfortunatly I have many problems during the game. I lose the game easily. I don't know what to do, I don't know what service should I start with and completely I become confused. Is there any SOLUTION? Thanks

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Sina,

This is a common thing.  As a basic tactic, think of what serve your opponent doesn't like.  Try out a few of your serves and see which one he has trouble with.

During a rally, think about which side they are weaker.  Is their Forehand or Backhand weaker?  Next think about whether they like the ball coming fast to them or slow. 

Soon you will have an idea about what you should be doing.  This will change with each player that you are playing.

Justtake it one step at a time and see if you get better at games.

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Thoughts on this question

jamie champion

jamie champion Posted 15 years ago

hi coach

what if you can't see a weakness in either side. the kid I play has great hand eye coordination i can get him with a serve but when it comes to a rally he gets me everytime

loveleen Unknown

loveleen Unknown Posted 15 years ago

hi sina,

first of all u need to tell this to ur mind b4 u play with nebody in the world that u r going to play to win and no matter how down u r nt going to leave the gave and u can defeat ur apponent.everything starts from the mind.keep repeating these positive statment abt winning many times b4 the match these will cause ur body to prepare for the win.

2.as u suggested that u dont know the players weekneses b4 the game then try always no matter where u r playing ,against whom u r playin always try to initiate the attack first wether it be counter attack or topspin or looping it will push ur apponent in the defensive position and then try to finish off from there,REMEMBER be like a hawk to the ball and attack FIRST.

3.Try hammer serve with variations ,even all the best players in the world find it difficuld to give good return on this serve or even loose the point.

try these things ,,and let me know if these worked ..if dont i will give u some more suggestions..best of luck

and pls dont forget the advise given to u by coach sir alois

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 15 years ago

Hi Jamie, Work on your rallying ability. You will need to develop your strokes so that you can keep up with him there. Start with the forehand and backhand counterhitting. try to get them more consistent and then faster and still consistent. This may take a little while but you will get there.

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