Techniques for returning long topspin balls


Ken Matsuno
Ken Matsuno Asked 1 year ago

Hi coach,

I am not good at a rally. Some of my friends are very good at it unlike me. So they often use a long fast topspin serve. I hit it back of course. In the rally they will return almost all my balls (they seldom mistakes).

if you happen to know a technique or two to return those topspin balls short, please let me know.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 1 year ago

Hi Ken,

I think the best think is to learn the  Forehand Counterhit and  Backhand Counterhit strokes well.  This is a good way to get into the rally better.  Learning the technique will give you confidence not be able to rally with them.

Recommended Video

Advanced Backhand Topspin

Learn how to use your wrist, forearm, and hips to generate more speed on your backhand topspin.

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