The best serve


akshat giri
akshat giri Asked 13 years ago

i know how to make a counterhit,  sidespin, topspin, tell me which is the best serve for me.   

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Akshat,

You can start with trying a backspin serve.  Work at brushing under the ball and getting the ball to spin backwards.

Start by trying to get the backspin on the ball while away from the table.  See if you can get the ball to stop on the floor and even come back towards you.  Then as you get more confident with it you can try to do the dame thing on the table. 

As you progress, you can start to experiment with other serves.  At that stage you may want to purchase our Serving Secrets Revealed DVD. This will take you a lot further with your serving. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Stop the Aggressive Return

This video gives you 3 tips for stopping the aggressive return. 1) Don't serve too short. 2) Keep the ball low. 3) Vary the spin.

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