The Flip


Kevin Unknown
Kevin Unknown Asked 17 years ago

Hi, I was just wandering what the flip shot is. I've been looking at articles and interviews with players and the've all been saying the flip is really hard to execute.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 17 years ago

Hi Kevin,

It's all in the name.  A Flip is also known as a Flick.  It is an attacking stroke that is played from a short ball that is close to the net.

Like everything in table tennis it can be made difficult or kept simple.  Keeping it simple is definitely the way to go.

All it is, is a short forehand hit.  You only use your fingers, wrist and hand and a little bit of forearm.  You alter the angle of your bat depending on the amount of backspin or topspin that is on the ball.  Initially like anything you are learning, don't try and play the stroke too fast.  Control it on the table until you get the feel for it.

Give it a try and see how it works. 

We are looking to have a DVD with all the basic stokes out shortly, so stay tuned.  It may help you more. 

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Snake Shot

A snake shot is a type of stroke which is specifically used against a drop shot. It is usually loaded with a heavy spin so that the opponent finds it difficult to counter. The type of spin can be backspin, sidespin or topspin depending on your choice. You need to make a movement after hitting the ball to confuse your opponent.

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Thoughts on this question

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 17 years ago

Just referring to your comment that you are going to have an instructional DVD out shortly showing all the basic strokes, that would be great.  I've been shopping around for an instructional table tennis DVD for a while now - without luck.  When do you think it will be out?

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 16 years ago

We now have a couple of lessons on the flick available.

Forehand Flick

Backhand Flick

If you like these lessons you can purchase them on DVD so you can watch them in the comfort of your lounge on your television.

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