The future


Derek Tun
Derek Tun Asked 14 years ago

Hey guys,

I am 13 years old and playing for a year and i know that i want table tennis to be my future. So i was wandering do the pros out there only have table tennis as a job? And is it like a stable job, with enough pay and things like that?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi D.T.

The top players in the world certainly can make a good living out of playing Table Tennis.  However, remember this is only for relatively few.  Work hard at your Table Tennis but also ensure that you think about your future without Table Tennis as well. 

Most players even the top professionals are well educated and after they finish playing will be able to earn a living outside of the game.  It certainly is a good living if you can do it.

Keep working hard at your game but remember life is a lot about balance as well. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Recognise Your Feelings

The first step into the world of sports psychology is to recognise your feelings when you are playing well and when you are playing poorly. This video talks about some of those feelings and asks you to think about different matches you have played and how you felt during those matches. In future videos on the subject we will use this information to help you reach your potential.

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