wall practice


Udbhav Kush
Udbhav Kush Asked 14 years ago

hi coach

first of all thanks for this site. ive improved my table tennis very much.

now my problem is that in ur lessons u had taught how to do wall practice. u have shown that first the ball should touch wall and then floor but it is more convenient that it should touch floor first and then wall to do practice of topspin. please tell me the right way.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Udbhav,

It is best to get the ball to hit the wall first because that is more the flight of the ball that you want when you are hitting on the table. 

Keep up the practice. It will give you more control of the ball. 

Take another look at the lesson on Practicing Alone

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