The Justice League plays table tennis!


Maurice D
Maurice D Asked 9 years ago

Hello fellow PingSkillers! This is not a question but it's something I wanted to share with you that many will appreciate (and some will geek out over it, like me!). This is further proof as to how cool table tennis is (and how ridiculous that person sounded who asked my girlfriend "is that [table tennis] like an official sport?" If I were there I would've said "Yeah, a little more official than the beer pong you play!")

In the comic book Justice League Volume 6: Injustice League, there is a page where Shazam wants to help the League find a ring that will offer clues as to what destroyed an alternate world but he does not really know how to use his newfound magical powers yet. Hilarity ensues after he tries:


Justice League Table Tennis

That looks like one of those fancy tables with the arched base. But I think it's too metallic! 

The other character is Cyborg. OK, I will throw in a question. Who would win in a game to 21 (that's for you, Jeff!)? Cyborg is half-human half-cyborg (pretty clever, huh?) with superhuman strength and speed and an IQ of 170. Shazam has the power of Zeus, speed of Mercury, and the wisdom of Solomon, among other attributes. Shazam is a kid in an adult's body, though!


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Maurice,

Interesting… I guess...

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Activation Level

We've all watched the movies where the underdog gets all pumped up and goes out and plays the match of their life to win the World Championships. It's inspiring stuff but in reality not everyone plays there best Table Tennis when they are too fired up. Sometime it's better to stay relaxed and calm yet very alert. This master class talks about how to find the right activation level for you so you play your best Table Tennis.

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Thoughts on this question

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

I've just consulted with my Son and he tells me that Shazam would win because of his speed.

Maurice D

Maurice D Posted 9 years ago

Alois, you're telling me you never watched the SuperFriends in the 70s? I guess you were too busy becoming awesome at table tennis! 

Jeff, your son is wise beyond his years! 

My point is that table tennis is slowly but surely entering US pop-culture. I have recently seen several TV commercials with references to table tennis, such as this one, and it even made an appearance in an episode of the US's most popular comedy, the Big Bang Theory. 

Table tennis is not a major sport in the US. It's overshadowed by American football, basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, boxing, mixed martial arts, track and field, swimming, gymnastics, tennis, among others. It irks me a bit when people snicker when I tell them that I wear sneakers and shorts to play table tennis and that I'm drenched after playing. Well, a US franchise of table tennis Social Clubs, SPiN, is trying to "educate" the public by showing them how much fun and challenging this sport can be (I went to the one in New York City and they have the USD $20,000 Stiga table!)

I'm happy to say that I have table at home and that I have recruited five different people to play with on a regular basis. 

Thank you again, Alois and Jeff, for giving us invaluable insight into the coolest sport! 

PS I have played soccer, basketball, baseball, and practiced martial arts throughout most of my life but table tennis is by far my number 1!

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