Hi guys, I've had sort of a renaissance in my game this year, and since November have jumped about 500 USA rating points. I'm quite well rounded as well, thanks to my programmable butterfly blade and auto response rubber (I don't believe in practicing or training, only watching PIng Skills and doing.)
One thing my exorbitantly (low priced for Butterfly) state of the art auto spin rubber/ auto racquet angle adjustment capabilities don't compensate for, however, is about the 2nd to 5th rally especially once my opponent loops or flips against backspin and a topspin loop rally ensues. I am usually fine when I initiate the loop, which I do often, but I suppose this scenario applies to that too!
Thanks solely to my equipment, I am good at blocking against top spin loop rallies, even punching, yet against the elite, 2000+Players over here I feel outclassed, almost like a helpless rebound board/ robopong drill, only able to block and at best, step back and lightly spin through my return! How can I hit less passive shots? Thanks to my very unaffordable butterfly products I can also play a lobbing style from distance and I am a hobbyist chopper, but what is my best close to the table option to take the initiative against deep, blindingly fast topspin loops with terrifically spinny horizontal trajectories? Should I continue blocking, step back and then counter loop after the balls trajectory is falling? Should I just upgrade to Butterfly's new autonomous Autopong3000 blade, and let it hash out the subtleties? If so, can I ever recover from Butterfly incited financial ruin?!
Hi Chad,
I place very little importance on the rubber and blade. I think that the more important thing is the amount you train with it (and of course watching PingSkills!!). This is much more cost effective and hopefully won’t lead you to financial ruin.
There's is an old saying about guitar playing - tone is in your fingers. And If you've ever seen a really good guitarist play an old guitar then you'll understand how true that saying is. I know we go on a lot about this topic but it is so true. Once you've got yourself a decent bat, it's no longer up to the equipment, it's up to YOU!
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Chad Moore Posted 10 years ago
I was only kidding about the equipment front, though I do currently use a cool but useless twisting blade! Having a bit of a laugh at myself for being so caught up with my rubber sponge thickness change last time, I just had a case of tournament season paddle change related jitters. Actually I was just looking for any specifics/pointers to handle low super loops more agressively than blocking, which pretty much sets them up with a predictable ball. is counter looping a viable solution when positioned appropriately?
Hey Chad,
Counter looping is a good option if you are in good position. It is a pretty difficult shot though.
You probably need a combination of blocking and counter looping in your repertoire to be effective. I think the lesson on Counter a Slow Spinny Topspin is quite appropriate even off the faster ball. It is all a matter of time and position as to what is the best stroke to play.
Glad you are not in financial ruin.