The so-called terms for looping in Table Tennis


Ittipat Amonrungmetham
Ittipat Amonrungmetham Asked 13 years ago

Hello Coach

I've been confused with the way people call each looping stroke.

In your lessons, you have forehand topspin against block, forehand topspin against backspin, and topspin to topspin.

So far, I've heard the so-called loop drive,slow loop, and loop kill.

Now, this is my questions.

1. Is the loop drive the same as topspin against block?

2. slow loop as topspin against backspin?

3. fast loop as topspin topspin?

PS. Is the forehand drive the same as forehand counterhit?

Thanks for your explanation :)


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Ittipat,

Yes terms in Table Tennis tend to be a little loose.

To me a loop is just a glorified topspin.  It is usually referred to as a slow topspin off a backspin ball.

A loop drive is similar, sometimes a bit faster.

A topspin against a topspin stroke is usually referred to as a topspin but then some people call it loop to loop. 

It can be confusing but don't get too hung up with terms as long as you can understand what someone is talking about. And in your own game try and learn different variations of topspin, some faster, some slower, and some with more spin.

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The Finish Position

There are 3 basic areas to focus on when learning a stroke: 1) The position of your feet. 2) The starting position of your bat. 3) The finishing position of your bat. Of all these 3 elements the finish position is the most critical. Watch this video to find out why.

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Thoughts on this question

Chris McDade

Chris McDade Posted 10 years ago

Hello Alois!

I really enjoyed your explanation of the terms with respect to topspin, loop and loop drive. 

If I were to describe these terms with respect to geometry, I would humbly suggest that any stroke hit with at most a 45 degree angle for your blade should produce a topspin stroke. Naturally, there is a great degree of variance and basically your arm should start low and finish high. 

We employ the true loop against a backspin shot. I would start very low at almost a 90 degree angle and then finish high with a flourish. :) A very well executed loop will seem to float in the air and the ball will bounce dramatically when it hits the table. 


Maybe, you can show us in a demo ... I admire your technique and skill!


adam brown

adam brown Posted 10 years ago

Thanks for the clarification! I always assumed they were similar but it's good to hear it from a credible source. :)

Sovan Ly

Sovan Ly Posted 9 years ago

I am not good at looping can you tell me more information?


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Take a look at the lesson on the Forehand Topspin Off Backspin.  This is how to play it.

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