hola, buenos dias, quiero saber si tienen algo en español, por que yo no entiendo nada de ingles, y quiero aprender tenis de mesa.
hello, good morning, I want to know if they have something in Spanish, I do not understand any English, and want to learn table tennis.
Unfortunately, we only have DVDs in English. If there is anything that you need help with you can use the Ask the Coach section of our site. Our DVDs also have a lot of visual images that will help you with your game.
Desgraciadamente, sólo contamos con DVDs en Inglés. Si hay algo que ustednecesita ayuda con la que usted puede utilizar el entrenador a la Sección de nuestro sitio. Nuestros DVD también tiene un montón de imágenes visuales que le ayudarán con su juego.
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Francisco Cespedes Grau Posted 13 years ago
Yo soy español y entiendo el ingles, si necesitas que te traduzca algun video en particular lo puedo hacer, por cierto, de donde eres?
Im spanish and I understand english, if you need help traducting some video particularly I can help you, anyway, where are you from?
Jimmy Sanchez Posted 11 years ago
Alois/Jeff. if you consider convenient, I would like to help in the translation to spanish, just send me the text of the videos (because I undestand around 90% of what you say in your videos) and I could translate it for you.
Enrique Gomez Posted 11 years ago
I am also bilingual, I spoke each language for half of my life each, and I wrote plenty in each language. I would love to translate videos and lessons, and be part of PingSkills.