Sir, I have decided to go with inverted rubbers for modern defense. I just wanted to know that what speed range will you recommend : Low : Medium : High : Extreme
and what should be the thickness of the sponge: 1.3 : 1.5 : 1.7 : 1.9 : 2.1
Hi YAsh,
Depending on the type of rubber, I would go for a Low to Medium speed. Get a 1.3 to 1.5 thickness.
This will depend on your control as well. The better your control the faster rubber you can use.
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Anonymous User Posted 11 years ago
Does that mean,that i can even use rubbers which are faster that low,medium range if i have a better control ?
and can you please explain me the role of sponges and how much it matters ?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago
Hi Yash,
Yes if you have good control then you can use faster rubbers. The sponge under the rubber will give you the speed or feel of the rubber. In general the thicker the rubber the more speed and spin you can generate. The ball will sink into the sponge through the rubber. The sponge can be hard or soft and give you different feel.