Tomahawk serve


Joseph Lines
Joseph Lines Asked 7 years ago

Hi there 

A quick question. Where do you need to hit the ball when doing a tomahawk serve please 

And what does this serve do? Does it help us and does it make the opponent mess up leading to a kill shot?

Thanks please get back to me ASAP thanks Joseph

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Joseph,

The contact for the Tomahawk serve is on the right side of the ball.  You can vary the placement from the top to the bottom sending if you want some topspin or backspin on it as well.

It can be an effective serve if used well.  We have a section on this serve for out Premium members in the Beginner Introduction to Serving section on the Tomahawk Serve.



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Thoughts on this question

Eillon  Amancio

Eillon Amancio Posted 7 years ago


Rohan Keogh

Rohan Keogh Posted 7 years ago

You can vary the placement contact point from the top to the bottom of the ball sending depending if you want some topspin or backspin on it as well as the side spin you will always get.

I really like the Tomahawk as I can generate more backspin with it than I can a pendulum serve and since I can't yet do a reliable backhand pendulum, the tomahawk allows me to get the ball moving the other way.  It is also quite easy to disguise spin and placement variations.

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