Topspin Action

Table Tennis Strokes and Technique

Last updated 8 months ago

samuel samuel

samuel samuel Asked 8 months ago

Hi coach!

Whenever I hit the topspin stroke or the loop stroke, my action never seems to be complete. So is there any way to fix this.(Whenever I try to hit the full stroke, the second ball i always hit with half action)

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 8 months ago

Hi Samuel.

I understand the frustration of having a technique that doesn't quite feel complete. The best way to fix this is to practice the topspin or loop stroke with a slower ball. Slowing the ball down is important as it allows you to focus more on technique so you can refine your stroke and have a better understanding of it. I like to use the wrist touching the forehead as a guide that I am finishing the stroke fully.  You can do this against the slower ball.

Finally, take a look at the video tutorials and online coaching materials here at – they will be sure to help you master the topspin and loop stroke in no time. Good luck!

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