Topspin Against Various Spins and Lengths


Sally Mander
Sally Mander Asked 13 years ago

How does the topspin stroke vary with the various spins of balls you are recieving, and if they are long or really long? thx

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 13 years ago

Hi Sally,

With a backspin ball your stroke needs to be more vertical to lift the backspin. Off a topspin ball you need to come forward more and don't need to lift the ball as the topspin already on the ball will kick up off your bat. This means you need to close the angle of your bat more against a topspin ball.

With the length of the ball, the key is to get into a good position using your footwork. You really want the ball to be the same distance from your body every time you play the forehand. This makes it possible to play the same stroke every time.

We've put together a short video response to help make this a bit clearer. 

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Thoughts on this question

jalal l

jalal l Posted 11 years ago

how about returning sidespin?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

You can sidespin it back or just hit a straight topspin but allow for the sidespin by angling your racket.

Dunni Oluwayemi

Dunni Oluwayemi Posted 11 years ago

what bat are they using


Arnab Ghosh

Arnab Ghosh Posted 10 years ago

What is the ideal distance away from my body while hitting the forehand topspin?

parham parham

parham parham Posted 10 years ago


in one country (iran) we cant access to youtube & some site like it .  Please put a download link of videos for people of one country :) --- thanks ---

i can watch this video hardly but its so hard for normal people . --- sorry but i  dont know english very good! --- & thanks again

Andrew Pape

Andrew Pape Posted 9 years ago


I want to FH loop against topspin serves but have trouble doing this, often lifting the ball off the table. In general, if I follow upwards with the bat for a normal loop drive, no problem. But when I close the bat face over the ball to prevent it flying off the table, my arm gets more horizontal and I lose control. I think that that if my elbow gets higher than the bat height, I lose control of the shot. It feels wrong too. Maybe the bat should always be either horizontal with respect to the elbow, or slightly higher, for this early timed shot? I have watched Wang Tao's smother-loop style, when he has an almost horizontal arm and takes the ball on the rise from a mm behind the table. I realise he was unique with his shot and that it's probably foolish to try to emulate it. I still can't picture the basic action, though.. is there a safe way of playing a similar shot consistently (say more slowly and further away from the table) without having to be a world champ?

alireza zeinoddini

alireza zeinoddini Posted 8 years ago

hi mr alois

i couldn't see your videos because it was unable to connect.

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Hi Alireza,

Are you able to watch YouTube videos? If so it should be OK now.

kathy mckelvey

kathy mckelvey Posted 8 years ago

Good video!! Thank's

ed holmes

ed holmes Posted 8 years ago

I could not receive the vidio.

Nagaraj Hegde

Nagaraj Hegde Posted 8 years ago

I think i get what jelal is trying to say. It is effective as long as you give your opponent a spinny ball. as you can't get that speed when your bat more vertically, perpendicular to the table. yes, it is effective against sidespin services, but you do need to add a lot of spin. 

Nam Nguyen Hoai

Nam Nguyen Hoai Posted 8 years ago

Very useful video, thank Alois and Jeff much!



Thamks. Very usefull tip. But I am facing massive problem in returning short lenght balls close to the net with heavy backspin. These are very tempting to be hit but I am catching the net. How to generate heavy topspin with pace especially when I can not start from knee high as the ball short.

Coaches, Please help me....

Sahit Reddy

Sahit Reddy Posted 7 years ago

Sir ,I am very shy tell this that I wanted only one video of a premium membership ,but I have free membership for the account.

I felt very eager to watch this video.If you mind , I wish you send me this video,with the name "your opponents weak spot".Please can you give me this video?I don't mind if it to me late or don't give the video completely.

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