Toss Choice


soma sundaram
soma sundaram Asked 12 years ago

Hi alois,

In tournament matches, who will be asked for the toss (I mean - to check who want to serve first). For example, if there is a match between a seeded and unseeded player, I heard that toss will be asked by the referee/umpire to the unseeded player to call for. I am not sure. if so, what is the reason?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Raj,

There is no rules as to who is asked to call for the toss.  The umpire usually just puts the coin in front of both players and one will decide to call.  I have never seen it being a problem.  In fact usually each player will offer the other player to call.

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Thoughts on this question

amit k

amit k Posted 11 years ago


In case of singles match, I am aware that the player winning the toss can choose to serve or select a court while the other opponent gets the other choice.

Now my question is for the doubles match - if team A (player A1 and player A2) win the toss and elects to serve then can the team B (player B1 and player B2) choose who is going to face which of team A player's server? Basically who decides which players face the serve at the start of the match



Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Amit,

That is right.  Team A can decide who is going to serve but then Team B can decide who they want to receive from that server.  This is often a good tactic in doubles to choose to receive first for this purpose.

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