Touching finger or the racket handle


Jayce Soberano
Jayce Soberano Asked 10 years ago


Im not sure if you guys have a video of it but i was wondering what the rules are when it comes to accidentally hit the ball with the finger or the racket handle, the ball goes over the net, and hits the other side of the table.

Example is this video of Timo Boll and Xu Xin at 5:01

What were the rules then and now?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Jayce,

When this happened it seems they were playing under the old rules which were that if you hit the ball twice, including with your fingers and then your bat, you lose the point.

Now the rule has changed so that if you hit the ball twice unintentionally it is still a legal hit.

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