Mental Preparation
Hello Alois and Jeff,
When tracking the ball do you watch it even when you hit it and into the bat, or do you look at where you want it to go when it leaves your line of vision and you hit it? Also, how do you pivot?
Hi Wasiq,
Just try to focus on the ball all the way through. At times it may go out of your vision but keep focusing on the ball and everything else will take care of itself.
It is hard to change focus between things during the rally so just keep a track on the ball.
How is it that a player can always seem to get back those extremely fast topspins? Is it their incredible anticipation? The key to good anticipation actually lies in tracking the ball well. When you watch the ball closely your peripheral vision will pick up your opponents movements and with lots of practice those signs will help you anticipate what your opponent is going to do. This happens naturally with lots of experience. So it it your job to ensure that you are tracking the ball really carefully.
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martinand bernard Posted 11 years ago
the table is in my head, I don't watch it, if J am in good position and I finish my stroke the ball goes where i want, not all the time!