Tracking the ball during play


Michael Stree
Michael Stree Asked 6 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff;   When a ball from your opponent in coming in, and you are about to hit the ball, should you look at the ball contact with your own bat, by actually facing the ball;   or should you see the ball contact with your own bat, out of the corner of your eye (not looking directly at the ball contact your own bat).   Best regards Michael

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Michael,

I think it is almost impossible to see the ball contact on your own bat clearly.  You watch to about 30 to 60cm from the bat and then instincts take over.

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Thoughts on this question

james chamb

james chamb Posted 6 years ago

That is great advice as I too have had that problem.  I have a robot and adjusted it to shoot over the table.  At first I miss-hit the ball or missed it completely.  Using Alois' advice, I struck it cleanly....Thank you....

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