Train with wall


amr tito
amr tito Asked 11 years ago

hi coach,

I train with the wall but the ball did not touch the floor and i keep in training this training is right?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago


Yes you can do this for reflexes.  It is better to get the ball to bounce on the floor as that is similar to a hit from the table.  You can also put a table of any sort up against the wall and get the ball to bounce on that as we show you in our lesson on Practicing Alone.

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Generating Speed

Stay relaxed. This is the number one tip for generating more speed. It is quite a natural reaction to try and tense all your muscles when you are trying to hit the ball as hard as you can but this won't lead to increased power. Watch this master class to learn the correct way to generate more speed in your strokes.

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