Training advantage


Shivam Goenka
Shivam Goenka Asked 10 years ago

Hello sir,

1 or 2 years back my game was better than the players of my district , those players practice regularly and also attend academy. I turned my game equivalent to them without much practice and no coaching . But now I have noticed because of their regular classes and practice they are playing better than me.  I cannot attend academy because of studies . Now I have lost all my hope of winning against them in a tournament . My game reading skills are better than them because of studies and knowledge about different types of players . Is game reading skills a big advantage over them? And how can I restore my hope?

Thanks in advance

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Shivam,

Playing more is a big advantage for them.  However use your mind more and do some homework on their strengths and weaknesses.

Utilise the Vault to input the information and you may just gain your advantage back.

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