training drills to choose the correct distance


Jesus Calle
Jesus Calle Asked 13 years ago

Hi  Alois, Jeff I would like you to recommend a training strategy / drills / tricks  to make a player to choose the correct distance from the table. I act as a coach. My player usually plays too much close to the table in the opinion of several authorized coaches. He is a forehand attacker. 

Thank you in advance.


PD: I have all of your DVDs

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Jesus,

Positioning distance in regards to distance form the table depends always on the speed of the ball and the reactions of the player. 

In general you want to be as close to the table as possible.  If you find that the ball is coming too fast and you don't have enough time to play your strokes correctly then you need to move back.  Similarly if you feel that you have too much time and you are giving your opponent too much time to see the ball then you can move forward.

Is the player you are coaching able to play his forehand attack effectively?  If not then he may need to step a little further from the table. 

A good footwork drill is to play from one side and get your training partner to block one ball short and then one ball long on the table. You can move in and out of the table and play a short forehand and then a topspin forehand.  You can also do this on the backhand side as well.  If you improve, then you can do it in a 4 ball pattern with one short forehand, one long forehand, one short backhand and then one long backhand. This will get you moving in and out and sideways as well.

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Forehand Flick

When your opponent plays a short ball to your forehand, you can play an attacking stroke by using the flick. This stroke is also known as the flip.

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