Dear Pingskills,
I'm Brian LE Amba I'm 14 years old and I need a training manual for this incoming city meet, this is my stepping stone for the regional and for the nationals, since i am just 14 years old i don't have money to avail or to become a premium member I will just ask you for a training manual cause i don't have time to go to my coach because of my studies. Pingskills you are my only hope
Hi Brian,
The main thing is to get out on the table and do as many hours as you can.
See if you can do some drills. Take a look at the free download of Training Drills that we have on our site. Choose a lot of Match drills since you are so close to a tournament.
Try to structure your sessions like we have in our Training Plan template. This will give you a good structure to work with.
Remember though get out on the tables and give it your best shot at training.
Being able to play a third ball attack from both wings is a huge step in your development. It means that your opponent has no safe place to push the ball long. This week we ask you to perform a number of match drills that require you to play third ball attacks from either side.
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brian amba Posted 12 years ago
thank you pingskills you have helped me a lot
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
No problems Brian.