Singles and doubles improvement


Wayne Sy
Wayne Sy Asked 12 years ago

Hi coach, I just wanted to ask something about improvement. If I were to improve and develop my singles performance, would I be able to improve my doubles performance just by improving my singles performance? thanks in advance

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Wayne,

Yes, singles and doubles performances are very closely linked.  I don't like to focus too much on doubles unless you have a specific combination you are working on and it is close to a tournament.

You will see in Table Tennis that there are not really any specialist doubles players that are no good at singles.

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To confuse your opponent you need to produce variations in spin. Just by mixing up heavy backspin and light backspin, you make it really difficult for your opponent to control the ball. In this master class we discuss the best ways to achieve this.

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Thoughts on this question

Wayne Sy

Wayne Sy Posted 12 years ago

thanks coach

Atanas Atanasov

Atanas Atanasov Posted 12 years ago

Hi Alois,

Can I play the backhand serve with lefthander in doubles? If I can, where should I place my body for my next stroke.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Nasko,

You can, but try to stay close to the middle line and then move quickly to your left after you serve.

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