Training School


Bassel Suleiman
Bassel Suleiman Asked 5 years ago


Since we don't have any tabletennis schools in Austria

I would like to move to the UK to be able to train there

Any recommendations?

Thanks alot


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi Bassel,

I don't have any recommendations for training schools in the UK.

Some of our readers may be able to help out.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#42 - Study Your Opponent

This is the second training plan focusing on match strategy. Last week we looked at your strengths and building a game around that. This week you should examine one of your competitors and pick out their weaknesses. Then you can design some training drills to expose those weaknesses. By doing this you'll be able to exploit them in a match situation and win points more easily.

Watch Now

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