Training time priorities


Abhiram Reddy
Abhiram Reddy Asked 10 years ago

How much should I concentrate on developing the consistency of a new stroke?

I have  2- hr sessions 5-6 times a week.

I really want to work on developing my backhand flick/topspin receive but at the same time I want to improve on areas I am consistent at ( For example I have a consistent FH topspin stroke .But it lacks variety because I cannot Hook/Fade or play the slower topspin well)

So ultimately my question would be how should I distribute my time  among : mastering my strengths , developing new strokes, and practicing known strokes.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Abhiram,

The off season is a good time to develop your weaknesses.  At this time, you can think about getting stronger with your backhand topspin and flick.

During the season, focus more on the things that win you points.

So the distribution during the off season would be about 70% weaknesses and 30% strengths.  During the season the percentages can be reversed.

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