Type of bat


Brandon Unknown
Brandon Unknown Asked 16 years ago

Hi guys. I just wanted to ask you all how to choose the type of rubber. I am currently using RITC Friendship 563. However i am not sure what type of rubber it is and how to use it. My coach says it is short pimples but my friends and other coaches say its medium pimples. I'm really confused. Also, i would like to know how to use it. I am more of an offensive player on the forehand. What do you suggest i use for my forehand rubber? Hurricane III? Thanks so much!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi James,

RITC Friendship 563 is a medium pimple rubber.

Without seeing you play, it is hard to recommend a rubber exactly but Hurricane III is a good rubber, especially for forehand topspin with spin.  give it a try.


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Reading the Type of Spin

To return effectively you must be able to read the type of spin on the serve. In this lesson we give you some tips on how to recognise backspin, topspin, and sidespin serves.

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Thoughts on this question

Lionel Unknown

Lionel Unknown Posted 16 years ago

Hi Alois,

Comparing Hurricane III (H3) to Sriver(S), and to Mark V (MV), are you able to draw a simple conclusion in the following manner which can help us to have a good indicative comparison (for reference only):

 For example:

Looping top spin against top spin :  H3 = BEST :  MV = BETTER, S = GOOD

Looping top spin against backspin :  H3 = Good, S = Better, MV = BEST


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 16 years ago
Looping top spin against top spin : MV = BEST : S = BETTER, H3 = GOOD Looping top spin against backspin : H3 = Best M = Better, S = Good Topspin against Block: MV = Best S = Better, H3 = Good Block against Topspin S = Best, MV = Better, H3 = Good These are my feelings anyway.

Charles Unknown

Charles Unknown Posted 16 years ago

From what I heard, H3 is slow without speed glue. Another variable is that it dosen't have all the gears like Mark V and Sriver. In Table Tennis Forums, they say that there are other versions of H3 likr Nittaku, Provincial etc. If you want. go buy the Factory Tuned H3. It's a bit pricey plus hard to find.

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