Upgrading rubbers


george theofanakis
george theofanakis Asked 8 years ago

Hello guys and thank you for all your amazing work in this website.i was wondering is there some kind of test I could do to determine with certainty if I am ready to switch to a faster rubber setup for my blade? I currently use an off-blade with andro rasant powersponge on both sides witch is considered one of the slowest and more controllable of the series.thank you in advance George.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi George,

Thanks for the kind words.

There is no certain test.

I think some of the things you can look for are that you are playing full strokes and you are very consistent with them.  You are trying to play with power and you feel that the ball is not going as fast as you want to but the ball is going on the table consistently.

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