Upgrading your Bat


Roger Willoughby
Roger Willoughby Asked 16 years ago

Are there any guidelines concerning upgrading your blade and rubbers? Either because the rubbers wear out or because you think your game has moved on.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Roger,

There are no firm guidelines but more a matter of feel.  If you are getting TOO consistent maybe it is time to upgrade.  What I mean is that your game is becoming very safe.  Or if you are consistently making strong attacking strokes but feel that you aren't getting full value of speed or spin out of your bat.

You could probably use a ready made bat for a year or two and then need to move on.

If your rubber has worn out on a ready made bat it is also probably a sign that you have played enough to change.  Some of the better raedy made bats will allow you to just change the rubber. Change to a rubber with more control rather than speed or spin to start with.  You will find this a big enough change.

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