Using spin


kieran Unknown
kieran Unknown Asked 16 years ago

Hi, i'm was just wondering could try tell me how to use spin effectively.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Kieran,

Thanks for your question.  You have given us a broad question with lots of aspects to it.

When you are talking about your serves he first thing is to get as much spin as you can.

During a rally, try to give your opponent the spin they least like.

Most of your strokes during a rally will have either backspin or topspin.  All of your attacking strokes should have a little bit of topspin on them, except a smash.

Use backspin against someone who like to attack and is faster or better at attacking than you.  The backspin makes it more difficult for them to attack.

Use sidespin mainly on serves.  During a rally the use of sidespin will decrease your consistency.

I hope this helps. If you have something more specific about spin just let us know and we will try to answer it for you.


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