Video analysis and the Vault


ker Gordon
ker Gordon Asked 12 years ago

hi i have the opportunity to study my opponent before i play him because he has a youtube channel with tons of matches of himself.How can i use this to my advantage and what kind of things/tactics  should i be looking for, P.S. i struggle to identify weaknesses at my level because usually players are strong from both sides

Thanks much appreciated!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Ker,

I hope you are not studying how to beat Jeff are you?

Take a look through the PingSkills Vault.  This will provide you a good structure of what to look for in your opponent.  Go through and create him as an opponent and then do the analysis.  As you watch, try to see which area if weaker.  It may all look pretty good but there will be areas that are not as good as others.

The Vault is an under-utilised area of our site.  It is a valuable way of analysing your opponent and having the data available.  If you have an iPad you can use it while you are at a tournament or competition night to update or refresh your memory of what to do.

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Thoughts on this question

ker Gordon

ker Gordon Posted 12 years ago

k thanks 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Sure Ker, just don't try to do so much with that ball.  THink of it as the next ball in the rally not the last ball in the rally.  Think about getting it just wide enough to make it difficult and then allow you to finish with the following ball.

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