Want more sidespin on Pendulum serve


toby kim
toby kim Asked 4 years ago

Hi Coach,

For some time I have been trying to do sidespin(pendulum) serve. I noticed that when try to contact the ball on the side, contact the lower area of the bat, use a lot of wrist, and have arm acceleration, I get little sidespin and sometimes good heavy backspin. I'm only looking for a good sidespin serve that bounces off my opponents racket when their racket is flat with no angle. Is there a way to fix this spin issue?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Toby,

the type of spin depends totally on the angle of your bat at the point of contact.  To generate the sidespin you need to have your bat more vertical, with the end of your bat pointing to the ground.

Really focus on this position.  I would advise taking a short video of your serve and watching it to see what is actually happening.  Often our perception of where our bat and hand is isn't quite right.  Seeing it on a video will really help this.

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Backhand Serve

The backhand serve is often under rated. We teach you how to vary your spin so you can confuse your opponent.

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Thoughts on this question

toby kim

toby kim Posted 4 years ago

I still generate barely any sidespin and heavy backspin. I will take a look at your tutorial, I think this will help.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 4 years ago

You can put a towel under your shirt while doing serve practice. 

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