Want to compete in World Events


Ali Zarei
Ali Zarei Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois.

I have been playing for for about 2 years but just the last year I played seriously.

Here in Iran table tennis isn't really important for people or the government.

I have a table home and I play with my father. I can do almost all the strokes and I'm almost an intermediate player.I don't know maybe I'm an advanced one.

My friends tell me that I have a good talent at this sport.

I have beated almost all the great players in our city except 2 or 3.

There are 2 coaches when I go to the club but they don't teach other people very much.Everything I can do I have just learnt them with your videos.THANK YOU!!

Iran has a few good players.

Now I have some questions:

1.my dad says for improvement at ping pong you just need someone better than you to train with and a table home. is that right?

2.I have always had this dream to play at world events.IS THAT REALLY POSSIBE???(Sorry I dont want to hear Encouragement just tell the truth.)I have seen top players starting from the age of 5 or 7 but I have started at 13.

3.how many hours should I train to reach my dream?(I think till now I have trained for 500 hours.

4.which drills will help me to improve fast?




Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Ali,

Your father is correct.  You do need to practice regularly.  As long as the other player can control the ball back for you to do your drills, then you can improve.

Starting at 13 is alright.  It makes it more difficult to reach the top of the World level but at World events there are several levels of players.  To play at a World event you really need to reach the top in your country.  That should be your first aim.

We often talk about training for 10,000 hours to become good at the sport.

We have a lot of drills in our Free Downloads section under the Training Drills.  Take a look through this.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial


Take some time to understand what are the key aspects of your game. You need to know how you win points and then develop those skills into a fierce weapon by focusing your training around them. Knowing your weaknesses is still important but Table Tennis is about winning points.

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Thoughts on this question

Ali Zarei

Ali Zarei Posted 11 years ago

Thank you Alois. I always love pingskills.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Thanks Ali.

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