Weak after missing a day


Daniel Nierves
Daniel Nierves Asked 10 years ago

Hi Sir Alois Rosario! I  skipped training for just a single day but i became weak..i couldnt block smashes, couldn’t smash and i cannot focus...what should I do?

Thank you in advance!I would really appreciate if you'd reply.Thanks!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Daniel,

Just practice as often as you can.   Some days are not as good as others.  Often at the start of the session you may make some mistakes.  If you worry about this too much then the rest of the session may go downhill.  Instead, if you allow yourself to adjust you may help you to make the session better.

The more regularly you can train the better you will become.

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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 10 years ago

I also have this problem

Some days I can even chop 5 topspins or even more in a row.

But other days,I am barely able to play a stupid push.

In these situations,should I train harder to correct it or give up my training for that day?
We have discussions about this very often in our club

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

It is good to rest sometimes, especially if your mind is feeling tired.

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