

Lukas Oberbanscheidt
Lukas Oberbanscheidt Asked 12 years ago

This isn't a question, but I have to say something:

I am relative new here and i've leared a Lot from you guys. This website brought my tabletennis on the next step.  I gived the link to my friends and they will make an account here. You are very popular here in germany. And the other Thing is: Hi. :D Good day, lukas.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Lukas,

Thanks for the feedback.  It really is nice to know that that the effort we put in is appreciated and worthwhile.  Thanks to all the German PingSkills followers.

Thoughts on this question

Lukas Oberbanscheidt

Lukas Oberbanscheidt Posted 12 years ago

You're welcome!

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