What happened to the 52 week training?


Ken Kraft
Ken Kraft Asked 7 years ago

Hi Alois,

I'm a Premium Member and have been going through the 52 week training with my training partner.  It appears your website has recently changed and I can no longer find the 52 week progressive training.  I'm assuming the training videos are still on the website, but the order in which to take the training is not immediately apparent.  Can you please provide the order or where/how to locate the order ASAP.  I train every Monday and am hoping to review the next training video today (Sunday) or tomorrow morning.

Ken Kraft


Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 7 years ago

Hi Ken,

Yes the training plans are still available. We've broken them up into the area of focus such as consistency and footwork. You can find them all under the Training tutorials. For each area of focus you can also download the PDF training plans.

Let me know if you have any other questions and good luck for your training on Monday!

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#46 - Tournament Preparation 2

In the first week of your preparation we focused on the consistency of your third ball attack. This week, since the third ball is so important, we are going to continue working on this. However this week we are going to focus on placement. It is really important tactically to think about where you are going to play the ball. We build upon the drills from last week so you can improve the effectiveness of your third ball through placement.

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