What is the next weapon in table tennis


Nigel Fewster
Nigel Fewster Asked 8 years ago

Hello Alois and Jeff , over the past 30 years or more we had the relaxing of the grip on service as developed by Waldner the reverse pen hold backhand the backhand flick from all areas of the court so what is the next secret weapon being developed. 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Nigel,

That a good question. I wonder if others have some thoughts on this one...

I don't have the answer.

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Thoughts on this question

Johan B

Johan B Posted 8 years ago

Smells like a PQTD!

I'm going to say the sudden set-up chop (come in and blast the next ball). You can see Ma Long pull stuff like that whenever he is in trouble against Fan Zhendong or other players who are very close to his level. Ma Lin used to do it with the classic penhold backhand quite often (though you might call it a chop block I guess)

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Nice idea Johan

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