When to change a serve


Rodrigo Aromas
Rodrigo Aromas Asked 6 years ago


If a particular serve is working when do I need to change it. Usually what I do is twice same serve if it working, change it and go back to the first serve. I do not want my opponent get adjusted to it nor knows the pattern of my serve. Thank you.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Rodrigo,

I believe if it is working really well for you then you don't need to change the service. Use it until it stops working. However if you are getting quite anxious about it potentially not working, try some subtle variations with the similar service action. For example if a short backhand serve to the middle is working, perhaps a float serve to the middle or a heavier backspin to the middle may be a good variation to keep the opponent guessing.  A change in the placement of the serve rather than spin may also work very well.

There is no right or wrong answer here just experiment and see what works for you.

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The Kicker Serve

The kicker serve is one of our "must learn" serves. It's fast, fun, and has lots of topspin. It can be dangerous because if it's not fast enough and if you don't surprise your opponent then they may be able to attack it forcefully putting you on the defensive straight away. Used well though, and sparingly, it can be a great weapon. It can win you a point outright and it will stop your opponent from standing over the table waiting for your short serves since they need to be ready for anything.

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