When to change backspin


chrizz msweb
chrizz msweb Asked 2 years ago

Hi coach.  

My opponent style is keep give me backspin ball.   When I return with backspin,  he will backspin it again. He never try to topspin my backspin.   And when I try to topspin,   suddenly he smash it hard!!   

The games become boring.  Both of us wait each other to do topsin, then smash..  No one want initiate the topsin.  

What tactics should I use for this guy ?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 2 years ago

Hi Chrizz,

In the long term I think you can develop your Forehand Topspin Off Backspin stroke.  This will allow you to make the first attack more effective.  Initially you can think about placing the ball better.  Find a wider placement or focus on the side that he does' smash with.

You can also think about waiting and being more patient with your pushing.  If he never smash unless you attack first then you have time to try to get him to give you an easier ball to make a better attack off.

You can also focus on variation with your pushing, try to play less sin and more spin and also place the pushing well.

Finally think about utilising your serves and return of serve to set up an easier attack earlier int eh rally for yourself.


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Thoughts on this question

Jasper Low

Jasper Low Posted 2 years ago

Topspin serves will make it difficult for that opponent to push it back 

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