Where do I begin my Table Tennis Career


Nikolas Fantocone
Nikolas Fantocone Asked 10 years ago

Hi!  I do not know where and when do join my first tournament and even get on a club!  Can you help me?laughing

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Nikolas,

Depending on where you live there may be a website that lists clubs in your area.  This is an important step to improvement.  Once you join a club you will be able to find out about tournaments.

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By throwing in some long returns you will keep your opponent off balance so when you do return the ball short they can't just be standing there waiting for it. But your long serve needs to be effective so they can't attack it too strongly. Watch this master class to find out all the important information about returning long.

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