Which rubbers suits DHS long 3 blade


anurag bisht
anurag bisht Asked 9 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

I have bought the brand new DHS hurricane long 3 and was wondering which rubbers would suit on forehand and backhand on this all wood fast paddle. Any advice whether i should go with hard rubbers or soft ?  what rubber would you suggest for forehand and backhand ?

frown i am really confused.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Anurag,

I don’t think there is any particular rubber that suits any blade.  However, others that have used the blade may be able to provide some ideas for you.

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Thoughts on this question

anurag bisht

anurag bisht Posted 9 years ago

Thanks,  may be someone else can help me out. 

Gordon Hume

Gordon Hume Posted 9 years ago

Hi Anurag

Since no-one else has put forward any thoughts on this, I thought I'd make a suggestion or two, even though this isn't a blade I'm personally familiar with, sorry.

First of all, Alois is right: what counts about choosing your rubbers is you, more than the blade.  Eg, if your BH is your weaker side, you might want to go for a softer sponged European-type rubber (myself, I have a couple of Xiom Off++ blades, one of which has a Xiom Vega Europe for the BH in order to provide more control as well as spin).  A stronger FH, though, might merit a harder sponged rubber and, in my case, I opt for the tacky harder-sponged Xiom Tau.  Just examples, OK?  (My other bat has thin-sponged medium pimples on the BH, by the way, so that's no help to you, presumably!)

I've found that the most important thing is to make sure, with this kind of super-fast blade, that you still have the ability to mix in softer, defter shots with the faster, more powerful ones you do.  So, if I were you and I'd just invested in such an expensive blade, I'd do a little experimenting with different rubbers: try some cheaper ones first, find out what sort suit your game best and only then, if you feel the need, upgrade to a better version of that type of rubber, or combination of rubbers.

Just my thoughts, anyway.  Good luck with the Hurricane!

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