I play with glasses. can't miss my glasses anymore for driving and sports. things are just ont sharp enough without. I seem to hit next to the ball on a regular bases or hitting the ball with the side of the bat. I practise following the ball better and it seems to help but still the problem stays. is the distance you see with glasses to an object exactly the distance you would see with good eyes (no glasses)?
would lenses help? I'm considering wearing them only for sports
kind regards
Hi Thijs,
I am certainly no optometrist but I would think that if you had the prescription right, you should see the ball exactly as you would with good eyes.
Perhaps players that play with glasses may be able to help you out more than I can.
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usman rauf Posted 14 years ago
ys i do wear glasses...wthout th specs emphatically, thr will b a difficlty...bt wth glasses thr shoudnt b...i nevr feel such difficlty.if u r nwly wearin th glasses, thn ys u vl feel cz u r nt yt usd 2 of the new vision bt if u r wearin frm mnths or years thn thr shudnt b any difficlty. ths only means that ur cylindrical and spherical no and axis has changd wich cn no longr cope wth ur presnt glasses. go 2 ur doctor 4 a chek up...lens or glasses dosnt mak any diffrnc cz i wear both..
Ji-Soo Woo Posted 14 years ago
I think playing with glasses is fine but if you are playing with glasses for the first time it just takes a bit of getting used to.
Nevertheless I think generally speaking you'd have better peripheral vision with contact lens because often with glasses the peripheral vision is OUTSIDE the area of the actual lens. At least with the contact lens, it covers your entire field of vision. Also, with glasses there are issues with fogging or the glasses slipping down your nose.
Andrew Yau Posted 14 years ago
Hi i dont play with glasses although i need them,
your eyes will adjust to the distance
but i recommennd using glasses if you want full detail,
i can loop, chop and lob fine
if you dont want to keep having your glasses falling off you should be fine ;)
good luck in table tennis
aron c Posted 14 years ago
I have played with both glasses and lenses.
I find it more comfortable and easier to play with lenses, and don't find any problems with vision/judging.
Glasses sometimes get uncomfortable, especially when you have been playing for a long time and get sweaty. However provided you have the correct prescription, you shouldn't find and issues with vision.
Hope i helped
thijs gruwez Posted 14 years ago
thanks for your help.
I'm going for new glasses soon and I'm going to ask to try out lenses and see how it works for me.
I try to follow the ball as good as I can but maybe I have problems once the ball passes the frame of my glasses right the moment before I actually hit the ball. If the ball really skids through or slows down a lot, I think that's where I loose track of it.
Reigene Eugenio Posted 11 years ago
I wear a progressive lens and having difficulty judging how far the ball is when I loop, usually I miss the ball by a huge amount, at least by a quarter of an inch, as well as reading serves.
Should I use other type of lens instead? a non progressive lens perhaps, or would a pair of contact lens be better?