Wooden or Rubber?


Jon Unknown
Jon Unknown Asked 16 years ago


I've been playing Ping Pong since I was about 9 years old. I'm 16 now, and I play mostly with my friends and father. I have got to the point where I have started using spins and such. I do not know whether to use a wooden paddle or a rubber. I also do not know the diffrence when players say things like "I'm looking for a soft rubber but with more spin", are their different types of rubber paddles? I used to use a rubber paddle but I started using wooden, thinking the wooden paddle can generate alot more spin. Maybe I was wrong?



Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Nick,

The rubber paddles are definitely the way to go. The wooden paddles won't give you much help with spin.

There are thousands of different options here, too many I think. The rubber is made up of two layers, the sponge (the yellow or ceam layer underneath) and the rubber (red or black layer on top). If the sponge is thicker it will tend to let you generate more spin. Similarly if the top layer has a grippy surface it will tend to generate more spin.

You are probably better off to look for something basic. Buy a bat that is already made up with the wood and the rubber already together. You should spend around $30 to get something like this. In the

PingSkills Online Store
the one we would recommend is the
Stiga Rocket

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