Yasaka Mark V good speed but spin


Swaroop Lakey
Swaroop Lakey Asked 12 years ago

Mr. Coach, I have been following your videos from youtube and I have also been the champion of my local competition and I improved my game very rapidly, seeing my improvement I started using a bat, I am now currently using Joola Carbon Blade with your recommended Yasaka Mark V rubber. My game even improved with that rubber and the rubber is totally fast. Now I am not able to spin the ball too much as I done before. What should I do to increase my spin ?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Swaroop,

Firstly check that the rubber isn't dead.  Rub your finger across the bat to see if it is still grippy.  If it is smooth then it is time to change rubber.  If it is still grippy and you need something with more spin, then try Yasaka Pryde.  This is the next step up that we recommend.

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Thoughts on this question

Swaroop Lakey

Swaroop Lakey Posted 12 years ago

Thanks for replying Coach, but I bought the new rubber just now and as you said my rubber was old, now I changed it and it's completely fine. Thank You ! 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Good that the problem is solved.

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