Zhang zike's serve with penhold


Kevin Winata
Kevin Winata Asked 10 years ago

Hi alois,

I have seen your video about how to do the zhang zike's serve.. I found a problem when I try to brush the ball when my bat goes outside, I can do it when my bat goes inside (first movement) easily.. but I can't do if the contact is in the second movement (outwards).. because I have to push the ball forwards (*most of the time the ball can't reach the net) and i feel it's not natural to do it after do the first movement (inwards), do you have any tips?

Thanks before

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Kevin,

Try to hit the ball more downwards into the table.  Then you can really hit the ball a lot harder and it will still go on the table.  Start by practicing the serve by just doing the second part of the movement to get the feeling of it.  Then you can add the first part of the movement.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

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Thoughts on this question

Kevin Winata

Kevin Winata Posted 10 years ago

I have try it sir, maybe I can explain my problem more detail..

I can do the serve when the contact is in the first movement because that we can place the starting position of the bat is a little bit far from the table, so when it comes to brush the ball it gives enough forward momentum (my finish position of the first movement is in front of my chest/stomach, *it's also the starting position of the second movement), and then I swing back the bat to fake the serve (the finish position is backwards, same as the starting position of the first movement)

But when I brush the ball with the second movement, that's mean the starting position of my second movement is in front of my chest/stomach (the first movement is same as above).. because the starting position is closer to the ball so it's harder to give enough forward momentum, because the swing will be very short.. it's also hard to get the right timing and contact position

I hope it could help you to find the best solution

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

HI Kevin,

I understand your predicament.  It is a difficult one.  Really focus on where the first movement goes to so that you can then get the second movement right.  As you say, if the first movement is not right, the second movement will be difficult to get right.

Break it up into the two parts for a little longer.

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