Take your attacking game to a new level by learning how to topspin a backspin ball with your forehand. This video lesson will give you some essential pointers to lift the ball over the net.
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nghia le van Posted 12 years ago
joshnathan llorente Posted 12 years ago
what will happen if I use it against a block?
Hi Joshnathan,
Against a block you don't need to lift the ball as much so you can make the stroke more horizontal. Take a look at our lesson on the Forehand Topspin Against Block.
Harikrishnan U Posted 12 years ago
just awesome!
Rowan . Posted 12 years ago
i think it's just like the forehand topspin against block ... isn't it ? if it's not , would u plz tell me wt the difference between them more clearly ..
Anaghesh m Posted 12 years ago
Aasim Showkat Posted 12 years ago
when I apply this stroke, the ball goes off the table....
And when i keep the bat low, the ball goes into the net.......
anirudh verma Posted 12 years ago
how to ick a tomhawak serve please tell
kier barra Posted 12 years ago
what will happen if i do a backspin over a backspin?
Jonathan Huynh Posted 12 years ago
Would puting a woodenn board against the table be a good way to practice? I've tried that and it does create a lot of backspin when i topspin the ball
Collin Hill Posted 12 years ago
What about the bat angle on this stroke? Should it be flat or a little closed?
Marksman Brian Posted 12 years ago
Hi alois,
I have a little bit problem about chopping backspin and sidespin,
Sometimes my chop comes into sidespin,
If i Give it much more power, the ball goes out....
Please help me on this
Ethan .... Posted 12 years ago
What should I do if the ball is short?
Hi Ethan,
If the ball is short you can try the Backhand Push.
Xavier Tipene Posted 12 years ago
Hi guys im wanting to know for someone like me and my style of playing i use alot of energy in all my shots soon tiring myself out anything to help me loosen up......i feel the more i put in the fastest the ball will go....but then i see kids who play make it look effortless, just a kiwi looking for some guidance thanks guys and great job.....
amit k Posted 12 years ago
Hi Alois,
With a basic bat non-customized bat from GKI I can fairly do a forehand topsin off a backspin. But with my new customized bat (Donic sonex jp gold and GKI Euro jumbo rubbers) I am not able to control the shot. The ball just doesn't stick to the bat. With the basic bat I can feel the ball sticking on to the bat. The new bat is too fast for me and I am not able to impart spin.
Do you suggest that I get back to my old bat?
Esteban Mendez Posted 12 years ago
Is it possible to counter a topspin with a backspin chop?
ahmed khattab Posted 12 years ago
it's clear that is easy against light backspin but what about too much heavy backspin?
Ardak . Posted 11 years ago
Hi, Coaches!
I can do only slow topspin against backspin. (finally) I have learned it a week ago. Is it true technique to learn slow topspin and trying to add speed on it? Or the technique of fast topspin is very different? Thank you.
Shubhanshu Saxena Posted 11 years ago
its nice. I like it
Roger Trien Posted 11 years ago
It's good. i like it
Martin Coronel Posted 11 years ago
can you demonstrate how to topspin the long heavy backspin sidespin serve
KAUSHIK KS Posted 11 years ago
is this perhaps the toughest stroke to master?
Drew Mainprize Posted 11 years ago
Hi Alois,
When I use the forehand topspin the ball will have a lot of topspin but that won't kick in until te ball is about a foot off the end of the table. I've tried slowing down the stroke but that will allow for an easy return (which I'm pretty isn't the point of the stroke) and when I try to brush the ball more it helps a little bit but not enough to keep it on the table when I speed it up. I'm trying to get my forehand topspin strong so I am confident to use it whenever I feel the need to in a rally.
David Fells Posted 11 years ago
How does this differ from hitting a loop? The angle and length of the stroke looks the same to me. What am I missing?
toish kai Posted 10 years ago
why do u give as a reflect smash video
joaquin Montelibano Posted 10 years ago
Thank you for the video but is this really a loop or a topspin.
artiom Samsonkin Posted 10 years ago
Very nice. Jeff's elbow is bent, shouldn't it be straight down elbow and forehand in one line? Thanks a lot.
Arul Gupta Posted 10 years ago
Hi there,
When I make contact nicely I play this shot great, but often, it flies off the top of my bat. Do you know why that happens and how should I improve?
Nikolay M Posted 10 years ago
Hi Alois and Jeff,
Thank you for a very nice video.
It's really useful the stroke is filmed from a lot of different angles and in slow motion.
Maahir Marathe Posted 10 years ago
Great Video Guys.
What happens if you do backspin against backspin?
I find it easy, but should I use it, is it good or bad???
D K Posted 9 years ago
And how can i alter my strokes to chop a backspin? (I mean really CHOP not push,I am taling about creating a powerful backspin stroke from the opponent's backspin)
martinand bernard Posted 9 years ago
how move the legs to be in good position? the left ahead, the right behind or the two together? I watch your vidéos every day a lot of things to learn?
Anantha Hegde Posted 9 years ago
What is the difference in playing topspin against a push stroke against a ball which has a lot of backspin and and a ball which has little or no backspin . is there any difference in timing for these two . please help !
Yap Zhi De Posted 9 years ago
Alois, I always hit the ball withe top of my bat and have it fly out of the table. How an I prevent this?
Bryan Pablo Posted 9 years ago
Good day, is there a need for using your wrist to generate more spin upon ball contact?
eugene lu Posted 9 years ago
Hi pingskills,
In this video you taught me to come more upwards, but my coach wants me to come forwards with more power. How do I do that? Every time I have my bat coming forwards, I will hit the net. My coach say it's possible, but how
Akshat Tripathi Posted 8 years ago
can we use the same trchnique for hitting forehand topspin against chop.please tell sir.
Dinesh Awtaney Posted 8 years ago
Dear Alios and Jeff, Can you please elaborate the brushing angles for top spin attack and loop , I am considerably good at forehand drives, request you to give some more simple tips on brushing angles to get accuracy on consistent top spin against back spin even I am still struggling to hit no spin attack with back spin , I want to forget my old wrong methods and wish to start from fresh to learn good top spin
Hemang Dialani Posted 7 years ago
Hello sir
When i use this stroke ball goes spinny but it is very slow and high and it creates opportunity for my opponents to attck .. please help so that when i use this stroke ball goes very fast and low and has much spin too ...
Margie Hadden Posted 4 years ago
Hi Alois, how are you? I am practising back hand against full back spin using an iPong robot. I watched the Pingskills video on this and it was very good. I can now get a nice whip on the ball with my backhand like Jeff does but I think that I am pointing the bat down to the ground and to get that lovely whipping action I think I am going back between my legs like every action needs an equal and opposite reaction or something like that from my school days. To create a fast whip forward I have to go back. Which you don’t say to do in your video. Is this right? I think the whipping action comes from turning over my wrist it started vertical pointing down and then finishes out palm up.
( I find I need to be back quite far from the table doing this shot. Maybe it’s just the way I have to set up the robot which is actually off the table to get the ball to actually land on my side. It is hitting on the diagonal to get the best chance to hit the table and so I am off to the opposite diagonal. At the very edge of the table. It’s a very delicate finicky set up to get the robot to hit the balls on the table around 50% of the time)