Add more spin to a sidespin serve


Roger Trien
Roger Trien Asked 11 years ago

Hi coach!

I have a problem with my sidespin serve.  My serve doesn't have much spin.  Can you tell me how to add more spin to my serve?  Thank you.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Roger,

Putting spin on your serve is a really important step in the game.  The important factor is to be able to brush the ball finely and fast.  The contact is all important.  Once you have the feeling of the contact you will be able to spin the ball whichever way you want.

For the sidespin you need to brush the ball on the side or across the back to get the ball rotating on its vertical axis.

We have a lot of information on this area in our Serving Secrets lessons.

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Thoughts on this question

Roger Trien

Roger Trien Posted 11 years ago

Yeah, i have added more spin to my serve.Now my serve is harder.Thank you,coach! 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Great to hear.

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