Learning To Spin


We explain the principles behind spin and how you can generate different types of spin with your serve. We also give you some challenges so you can test yourself and see how you are progressing.

Table Tennis Serving


Back to Serving 0% COMPLETE 10 LESSONS
1 How To Master Spin Serves in Table Tennis All Levels 30:00
2 Serving Secrets Introduction Beginner 2:32
3 Service Rules Beginner 5:31
4 Legal and Effective Serves for Beginners Beginner 3:48
5 Basic Serving Strategy Beginner 3:24
6 Learning To Spin Beginner 13:43
7 Easiest Backspin Serve For a Beginner Beginner 2:14
8 How To Practice Beginner 4:23
9 Improving My Serves Intermediate 1:46
10 Contact Point For Maximum Spin Advanced 3:14

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Judy Whorton

Judy Whorton Posted 12 years ago

I was surprised that we are advised to try different spins away from the table.  That seems like a good idea, as a table can "put you on the spot" so to speak.  I'll go try it now.  Thanks.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Let me know how it works for you.

Esteban Mendez

Esteban Mendez Posted 11 years ago

Hi Alois,

I'm practicing my Tomahawk serve away from the Table and brushing the ball naturally with sidespin. First, I'm holding the bat with the proper grip and simply swinging it with a loose wrist and watching my swinging action without the ball. Once I started feeling comfortable with the swing, I tossed the ball and hit it with maximum fine contact while maintaining that same swing action. Some balls curved and spun well, others not so much. Whenever I saw the contact on the ball was off, I knew that's when the ball didn't curve and spin well. When practicing away from the table, is this what I'm supposed to be thinking? Also, how much should I practice away from the table before I can spin the ball with fine contact without losing speed? Will it happen automatically just by practicing this without thinking or should I keep focusing this hard while practicing?

Eshaan Mishra

Eshaan Mishra Posted 11 years ago

which serve is the most effective serve? 

jason poulos

jason poulos Posted 10 years ago

I'm confused by the clockface analogy at the beginning of this video. What does 1 o'clock mean when your racket is horizontal and tilted-doe this presume that the racket is upright and the top of the blade is upward at 12 o'clock?

and are these suggestions for the forehand serve only? 

Also, what is the reason we hit it in this area? does it produce more spin at 1'o'clock? if so, why?

Harlan Abraham

Member Badge Harlan Abraham Posted 9 years ago

Learning to spin your serves is very important.  Placement of the serve is also important.  The type of spin and placement could lead to certain returns and if you are prepared for those you will have an advantage. 

Fikau Teponga

Fikau Teponga Posted 8 years ago

Hi Alois,

Very interesting to learn something very new to me. Although I cant spin the ball like you do, but I keep practising alot of them..  Maybe i need a much better bat?  I am using very ordinary cheap bat.

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

@Fikau, yes if you can't generate any spin with your bat it may be worth investing in something a little better. It completely changes the game when you have a decent bat.

Walter Lopez

Walter Lopez Posted 8 years ago

Where is the better spot on the bat to generate a better spin?

And what side of the bat is better to do servings, the red one or the black one?

kathy mckelvey

kathy mckelvey Posted 7 years ago

Great video, although so very complexed at this stage of learning for me. Hopefully with time I will have better ability to apply all of the spin variations!   Thank you both.

Ujjal Chatterjee

Ujjal Chatterjee Posted 6 years ago

Aloise & Jeff, Thank you so much for this wonderful video on how to generate different spin serves.

adi das

adi das Posted 6 years ago

hello, request for video serving and attack, what serve should be use for attacking using backhand and forehand.by the way thank you.

Roberto Suave

Roberto Suave Posted 6 years ago

I play with a ''regular'' cheap bat Kettler all plastic, how much should i invest to get a better bat , for example i ordered a Stiga Toledo costing 15 uscy.

Will i see an huge or little improvement. My opponent use a $ 150 uscy one ...i guess this a factor why he beats me regularly.

N.B. your videos are just fantastic , well done , very instructive.

Matt Mawson

Member Badge Matt Mawson Posted 6 years ago

Hey guys, where can I get a 2 color ball like you use in the video? I want something to help me easily distinguish how much and what kind of spin I am getting on the ball when practicing my serve. My initial google searches have come up empty.

I suppose i coukd color a ball with a marker, but I don’t want it to mark up my bat or table. 


Pranjal Verma

Pranjal Verma Posted 6 years ago

Great video sir.


F Wilson

F Wilson Posted 5 years ago

Though a basic concept, this is one of your best ever videos (Learning To Spin).  Thank you.





adrian pirvu

adrian pirvu Posted 5 years ago

verry interesting and nice to watch,but the blade and rubbers are important too

Max Moullin

Max Moullin Posted 4 years ago

Excellent video. Very helpful. Thank you. Just a pity I can’t practice at the moment.

jimmy huo

jimmy huo Posted 4 years ago

I like videos very much。Thanks Alois and Jeff.

Paul Griz

Paul Griz Posted 4 years ago

Thank you Alois!  This is one of my favorite, one stop shopping, go to videos.  

Always amazed on how small a movement by you and Jeff creates so much spin.

Andrew Draganski

Andrew Draganski Posted 3 years ago

Great tute guys, serving is important to me because it's how I set up the opponent. However, my problem seems to be that I involuntarily raise the bat when tossing the ball up, particularly for slicing serves. I expel too much effort to counter this to keep the serve low and thus not into the serve motion itself.

Thanks Martin&Andrew

Fabienne Martin

Fabienne Martin Posted 3 months ago

thanks a lot, it helps me .

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