Advantages and disadvantages of Ovtcharov's backhand serve


Viet Dang Xuan
Viet Dang Xuan Asked 11 years ago

Hi PingSkills, First of all, I apologise for asking too many questions. It's just that I have too many TT questions running in my mind and you are the only one who can help me. I hope you can forgive me :) Here's the question: I've seen the WTTC 2012 recently and I noticed that Ovtcharov's backhand service are sometimes effective, sometimes not. For example, once when he executes this service, Ma Long easily returned the ball around the net and won the point. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of this serve?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Viet,

HIs serve can generate more spin on the backhand side because of his wind up.  He does move backwards though so sometimes can be caught with the short ball.

Still, it is a very effective serve and one that suits his game well.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Stop the Aggressive Return

This video gives you 3 tips for stopping the aggressive return. 1) Don't serve too short. 2) Keep the ball low. 3) Vary the spin.

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Thoughts on this question

Rob Janssen

Rob Janssen Posted 11 years ago

Its very effective because he makes side topspin and side underspin very similair. For example Yan An was having very much trouble reading his serves at the world cup in verviers. that cost him the match.

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