Amelie Solja


Tim Hunger
Tim Hunger Asked 5 years ago

Hi guys,

I just wanted to ask you what you think about Amelie Solja.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi Tim,

She has an unusual style but it can be effective against certain players.  I think she struggles against the better level of players because will be able to handle the long pimples.

Thoughts on this question

Tim Hunger

Tim Hunger Posted 5 years ago

Doesn´t she play Anti instead of long pips?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 5 years ago

Yes maybe.  Similar effect.

Jasper Low

Jasper Low Posted 5 years ago

What is the difference of effect between long pips and antispin?


D K Posted 5 years ago

I would say that longpips still have a sort of variation and own-spin creation ability (depending on the exact model),although it is very low compared to inverted soft rubbers.
I have noticed that when I chop or push a backspin really hard,I can stop the backspin or even creating back some little amount of backspin.
With antispin...this rubber is,according to my limited experience,simply dead in terms of spin.
Those I had the opportunity to try were simply spin-deaf and I was able to return different spins just by adjusting the timing and stroke speed.
It was strange feeling because when I tried to drastically change the stroke,I missed.
It is not really possible to close your bat with antispin,making it a complete mirror.
Thus,antispin is exactly as effective as your opponent's spin abilities.
Longpips can still give the player a sort of own power if you really know how to use them.
Also,longpips are I would say still quite lively,since they mostly use normal sponge.
But antispins often use a slowdown sponge,which is not used with other rubbers much.
I have seen players who bought this sponge alone and glued it under OX longpips,I have even played against such a player.
Such a longpips rubber is really very comparable to antispin.
They are also equally quiet.
If you play against it more,you'll notice that antispin balls have their own specific sound,but I am unfortunately not really able to describe it.

Antispins have also one side-effect on the player: antispins are usually so extremely slow that such a player must play close to the table else he would be unable to send the ball on the table.

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